Monday, December 26, 2011

Nytt utseende, nytt språk

*cough* hej

Nu vill jag att den som läser detta ska veta, vilken uppoffring jag gör som börjar skriva på svenska.
Personligen tycker jag att jag skriver otroligt mycket bättre på engelska. Texterna blir färggladare, roligare och bara allmänt bättre. På svenska - som du kanske märkt - skriver jag som om detta vore en viktig rapport. Men människor pallar inte läsa på engelska, för ni är sämst. Så nu blir det svenska... snyft.

Just nu skriker min pappa ifrån vardagsrummet och vill att jag ska springa in och stödja DIF när de spelar hockey.
1. Jag pallar inte
2. Matchen är INSPELAD, allt har redan hänt
3. Min pappa är bara liiiite lullig efter Annandagsmiddan hos min moster
4. Det står 4 - 1 till DIF, stöd? Känns inte som det behövs.

Imorgon ska jag på mellandagsrea med mor min :)
Annars är jag bara allmänt stressad över att inte ha tid att träffa folk,
och att jag inte har tid att spela Mass Effect
Rätt som det är sitter jag i Paris igen och så har jag inte ens sett hälften av alla min kompisar...
och så har jag inte hunnit någonstans i Mass Effect

Imorgon ska jag upp och plugga matte på förmiddagen också
så god natt
och god fortsättning

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Last weekend in Paris


So this weekend is my last weekend in Paris (not rly but everyone is going home next weekend)
How have i been spending it?
Actually, i've been spending it in three different ways.
Partying, Singing and Studying (*cough* procrastinating and tumblring and blogging).

The BAT was this friday, or in french Bourse aux Talents (i think).
I hadn't really understood how much of a big deal this actually was until i got there. I had been there earlier that day and rehearsed so i'd gotten to see the stage decorations and all the people running around in the back with black "STAFF BAT 2011" T-shirts. The main guy in charge behind the stage was super stressed out and kinda scared me, lets just say he was not a happy camper...

After rehearsal i went home, got ready and came back at around six. I get to the theatre and see an ocean of St Do students pressing up against the wall of glass doors. I walk up to the doors and see Ellie inside, hesitantly i walk past the crazy crowd and go inside. We got these stamps on our hands to show that we were performers and we went back stage to our changing rooms.
It was kinda chaotic back there but it felt super legit, IT WAS SO MUCH FUN.

We weren't up until after the break so we got to sit in the audience the entire first half.
Something that really annoyed the crap out of me was that if the people on stage weren't considered popular, then the audience wouldn't give a fuck. These two girls were playing and seriously half of the crowd was talking or laughing or just being plain rude the entire song!
I was super afraid that people would act the same way for us but i soon realized the whole "if they are popular we listen" thing. So thankfully Ellie was playing with us....

If i'm gonna talk about every number it will take forever so
After the break we waited in the changing rooms, sang a little (but not enough), then we waited behind the stage. At this point i was really pumped and Elvira and i stood behind the stage and lip synced to the Adele song that was playing before us.
When it was time to get on stage (the curtain is now closed) i was so jumpy and hyper. Sure i was nervous but the feeling of extreme excitement was stronger!
We were singing Love Song by the way.
It went SO WELL. We nailed the harmonies, we all nailed our parts, it was just epic!
Later on we went to this bar called Truskel and stayed there for a while. They played amazing music and it was such a cool place. Def going back!
The only thing remotely uncool about that night was the fact then when i came home at like 5 in the morning my host family had locked our door with the chain so i couldn't get in even with my key. 
So that sucked
I walked all the way back to Klaras house and banged on her door. Poor Klara and Moa, i scared the shit out of them! I would have shit myself if i was them.
this brings us to:

Moas phone wakes us up around 10:20 and i fly up out of my bed. Clearly disoriented, clearly hung over. I'm still wearing the dress i wore for the concert and all my makeup is now all over my face. I get up and try wash my face a little. I wake up the girls because i was kinda in a hurry. I had an hour to get ready before i had to leave with the choir. We had a Lucia concert at IKEA x).
For breakfast (i'm quite proud of this) we had french toast. Though we didn't have any proper bread so we used baguette. Now dont judge to soon!!! It was super super good! Klaras family babysitter thought it was yummy as well and he hadn't even heard of french toast before!

I then leave for IKEA, ofc i arrive late! We then head off in our own little bus to IKEA.
Nothing special really, we sang, we cried tears of joy over the swedish meatballs, we ate our bodyweight in gingerbread cookies. It was nice :). As a thank you we got a 20€ giftcard each. I just bought a bunch of random shit. Like a neckpillow, one of those you have on planes and train rides. Totally useless i know but omg i've wanted one since forever for some reason!
I also bought a mug bcus here they drink tea out of bowls...
My room now smells like roses from my scented IKEA candle
For my family i bought a christmas flower and a pot for it.
I also bought glögg that i was going to drink today but seeing as i've done nothing of what i was supposed to do today (including bake) i dont have a reason to drink it :'((((.

I've done fucking nothing, i've tried to study a little but i just cant! I have no motivation i'm so extremely sick of school, everything is crazy difficult and i just want to die in a hole

Good bye
Love yo face <3

Monday, December 5, 2011

La liste

Got this idea from my friend Victorias blog, i hope she's ok with me "stealing" it :P

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
10 years ago i was 6 years old and living in California :) and living like the world revolved around me

2. What were you doing 1 year go
At this time a year ago i was probably obsessing about Lucia prep, yay for choir nerdyness
Lucia in Globen last year
3. Five snacks that you like
1. Smoothies!
2. Choklad Havreflarn
3. Fruit in general?
5. Lussebullar (tis the season)

4. Five songs you know all the lyrics to
1. The Killers - Mr. Brightside
2. The Killers - When you were young
3. Panic at the Disco - I write sins not tragedies
4. Death cab for cutie - I will follow you into the dark
5. Mumford & Sons - White blank page

5. Five things you would do if you were a billionaire
1. I know i'm boring but i would probably give a buttload of it to charity
2. I would have the financial support to have the guts to live off of my art and music
3. I would have an AMAZING two storie appartement in Paris, from which i can see either the Eiffel Tower or Sacre Coeur.
4. I would travel the world and hopefully never ever ever stop.
5. Oh god the shoes and clothes and wonderfulness that i would buy :D

6. Five bad habits (i dont even know if these are legit habits but whatever)
1. I tend to underestimate myself and my abilities
2. Becoming socially awkward in way to many situations
3. Procrastination
4. I live in the future not in the now and i long for the past
5. I lose everything, EVERYTHING

7. Five things you love doing
1. Traveling, includes experiencing new cultures, talking to new people and seeing wonderful places
2. Playing music, singing
3. Painting, anything and everyone
4. Dancing
5. Talking, hanging out and just appreciating my wonderful friends that i dont deserve

8. Five things you would never wear/buy
1. Uggs with a jeans skirt, you dont look hot - you look like a weather confused slut.
2. Sandals with socks, please kill me if i in the future wear this
3. One of these , if you are not Lykke Li, then NO
4. A band t-shirt of a band that i actually dont listen to
5. Jeggings

So thats that... I'm not gona study today am I?
Didn't think so...

My body hates me

Today i was going to have a 2 hour math lesson and then after that i was going to have a 4 hour lunch. But the waking up feeling like i was dying kind of came in the way of that.
So this morning i wake up, nauseated and dizzy. It takes me about 30 min just to get out of bed and into the bathroom. I realize quite quickly that getting up wasn't the smartest thing, i nearly fainted.
My body must seriously hate me. I have a math test on wednesday and i really could have used those 5 hours of studying. Instead i've been laying in bed trying not to throw up, watching a movie while i chewed peppermint gum (i read somewhere that peppermint is supposed to be good when you feel nauseous) and drinking buckets of water.

I feel a little bit better now, except for the fact that my stomach seems to be rudely rejecting that banana i just ate.
I can't wait til christmas, so sick of school and work and GOD I'M SO SICK OF MATH. When i leave in June i will cry tears of joy because i'll never have to have another class with that joke of a teacher.
It's quite hilarious actually that people have found small notes in their math books saying things like:
"I hope you dont get Alla, if so, be prepared to study ur ass off. If you do that you'll make it, otherwise well... Good Luck"
- Warning from a former SSP students.
Well thats comforting.

Now i'm going to change and hopefully get some studying done

Love yo faces
BAI <3

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bad updating + LAB REPORT :D


Sorry for not updating in a really long time! The stress of school is finally catching up with me and i have a hell of a lot to do, including my first lab report this year! Is it super nerdy that i'm actually looking forward to this? I do find it quite sad that there are Swedish students who STILL dont know how to write a correct and complete lab report. I was talking to someone in my lab class about lab reports and how i thought the Discussion part in the end is the most fun to write. They just looked at me all blank and asked what the Discussion part was.
.... -.-

The lab was pretty basic, i probably did a similar one in year 7. It was all about pH and using litmus paper. OH YEAH thats how swedish high school labs ROLL!
All the Chem B students were like " REALLY?? really...? This is what we are doing?"
I'm pretty sure som Chem A students were thinking the same.
Thats the Swedish school system for ya.

Last night I hung out with Moa :). Seeing as we are both practically broke this late into the month we made a dinner that only cost 2,4€ each :P. It was just pasta with zucchini, eggplant and creme fraiche. Even though it sounds kinda lame it was VERY YUMMY!
Like i so often say when i am cooking:
If there is something i've learnt from Jamie Oliver it's that you can come a long way with olive oil, lemon and salt!

We then went home to my house, sat in my window and talked a bunch. The "watching a movie" part of the night kinda failed seeing as Moa fell asleep 2 min into the movie! I on the other hand was really hyper and kept on watching. But then i realized that sleeping in our clothes, with all out make up on, maybe wasn't the best idea. So i woke the poor thing up and then eventually (at like 2, ooh such rebels) we went to bed.


God i really dont have anything interesting to write
I'm so sorry.
I just cleaned my room?
And ate a banana.
yeah... that'll do

Love your faces
BAI <3

Sunday, November 20, 2011


How to feel insignificant as a pianist - watch this video.
He is amazing, but it pains me to know that i will never have the dedication to become this good.
For those who know nothing of classical music, he has not written these songs, it is a mashup of well known classical pieces together with some happy birthday melodies. Confused? Dont be, watch the clip ;).

Um.. okey

It's a bit hard to study or practice for choir this afternoon when my host brother is in the dining room playing the piano LOUDLY and is singing even LOUDER! I can hardly hear myself think...

He's a bit special my brother

Just felt like updating today, i've already said what i'm doing today in earlier posts. I just felt like writing, because i dont want to study math...
I think i better go grab my ipod and try to drown out the "music".

Here is something from tumblr that MADE MY DAY. Legit tears came from my eyes

I dont know if its as funny if you dont have tumblr or get what its all about but seriously, how can you not love this?

Love yo faces
BAI <3

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Next project?

So now that i've finished the Bon Iver portait i'm starting to think about what i want to do next. Buying the Florence & the Machine tickets kind of inspired me so i'm thinking about doing a portrait of Florence. But not like the typical "this Florence, this is her face, look how pretty she is" portrait.
I found a picture of her and i kind of fell in love
It's really gorgeous and it has so much potential to turn into a really cool drawing. Now i just have to decide between A4 pencil drawing or A3 watercolor.
What i really wanna do is A4 watercolor but i dont have the right paper for that... So FML
I want to make her hair firey red!!! But i cant be bothered to make i A3
Oh yes i have so many problems


Byebye :P <3

Elevensies and Florence

Second post today :P

Today i woke up to go to fnac and get concert tickets, not just any tickets, FLORENCE & THE MACHINE TICKETS!
This does make me feel a little bit better about missing out on the 30STM concert...
While waiting for Moa to show up i had elevensies (dont know about the spelling, LOTRs fans?)
If you are ever in France, buy this yoghurt, seriously, DO IT! They come in different flavors and they are crazy yummy. Then ofc some chocolate :). My P.E teacher made a big mistake when she told a class of almost only girls that dark chocolate is very good for you and that you should eat some every day. I will take that as an invitation to shove craploads of chocolate down my mouth thank you. Healthy November month is going great as i you can tell!

I read a bit in my french book, then Moa came.
ASDFGHJKL *FANGIRLSCREAMING* I seriously felt ill when i got the tickets in my hands, i was so happy. My life feels complete. I'm gonna go see Florence & the Machine LIVE! Someone pinch me...

While on the subject of fangirl screaming, a bunch of swedes went and saw Breaking Dawn yesterday.
It's embarrassing to admit but i was a total twi-hard back in the day... Oh yes. I was all team Edward, reading the books over and over again.
I have now realized how shitty these books/movies really are. Like REALLY shitty. So i didn't feel like going with a bunch of people who actually like the series. I'd rather go with people who dislike Twilight as much as myself and then heckle for two hours straight :).
I still remember seeing Twilight at the New Moon premier with my dear friend Elise and she screamed out "MAN WEAVE" when Taylor Lautner came into view. HILARIOUS
I'm still sad about the fact that we didn't scream out mermaid when Bella did the whole "I know what you are" "say it, out loud"... "A MERMAID!!!" (watch Nigahiga twilight thing to get the joke ^^).

I AM going to go see the movie, probably in theaters. It just feels like, i dunno, i did "embark on this journey" so now i damn well have to finish it. I can go with my mom during christmas holiday :P

Now i need to study some math.
Love yo faces
BAI <3

Last weekend

I dont have anything planned for today so i thought i'd share with you what i did last weekend :).

As i mentioned in and earlier post, last saturday i was at Méderic making gingerbread houses :). It was a competition and unfortunately my group came second to last.... I at least really like our house! We had even made a little Santa out of a mandarin!!! How is that not winning material. Judge for yourself, here are the pictures :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Aw shit... literally shit


After school today i went for a run, specifically a run around Fort Mont Valérian. It's not that far from my house but because i'm lazy i usually take the bus one station just to get there ;).

I decided to go out running a bit late, so it was like 19:30 when i actually got my ass out of the house. Or my face away from the computer. I was just watching the Hunger Games trailer over and over and over and over again anyway...

I didn't think about the fact that at 19:30, its pretty freaking dark out, and 90% of the track around Mont Valérian isn't lit up. I wasn't running fast because i wanted a good workout. I was running fast because i have been watching waaaaaaaay to much Supernatural to not be freaked out by every little noise/shadow that i came across.
Most people are scared of rapists or druggies at night.
I'm scared of demons and vengeful spirits. NOT.EVEN.JOKING

I'm the master of long "intros", the point i was going to make is:
People in Paris dont usually pick up after their dogs. After a while though, you start to get a sixth sense for this. I can seriously be reading and walking at the same time, then SENSE that there is poop on the ground, look away from my book for a brief second, step over the poop and then keep going.
BUT, if it is dark and i am out running (away from all the scary monsters that are staring at me from the bushes) then i will not notice dark brown poop on the black ground, not even my sixth sense picks that up.
Oh yes, i did actually step into a pile of dog shit. It was lovely... The only thing good that came out of this is that i swore in french without even thinking about it x).

I actually ran like 5/6 km, which is like badass awesome a lot for me because usually i only run like 3km or so. Now i ran almost 6!!! :D:D:D:D:D I ran 3km in 20 min and then i ran around the fort one more time and i swear i ran even faster the second time. OH YEAH!

This became awfully long for just being about running.
Well it was about shit as well i guess

Now its time for bed, i'm pooped (see what i did there)
Next time i'll put up the pictures from the gingerbread house competition thing that i went to this weekend. It was FUNFUNFUNFUN!

Love yo faces
BAI <3

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tumblr > Homework, as always


Apparently my host brother sprained his ankle while playing basketball so right now he's at the hospital with his mom, his dad is doing god nows what and i get to warm some ready made food for dinner.
Yummy yummy!
Whoever said the french make quality dinners was seriously mistaken. They at least didn't take my family into account...

Today i had two hours of rehearsal for the BAT. The auditions are tomorrow and i'm going to sing both "Love Song" with a small band and i'm going to sing alto in "Hide and Seek" with the choir. I'm still unsure about my harmony and i dont know the lyrics. So thats going to go well :D

The judging system for the BAT seems really strange. Like, Ellie and Baptiste who are in "Love Song" with me are in the jury as well (ô.o). French/Swedish numbers are high priority so we dont even have to be that great. Karin, who is in charge of the choir, is in the jury and will be voting for us. Although she has told us that the french dont have the same "choir tradition" as us and might not understand how hard it is to sing what we are singing.
And OH MY GOD is it really hard...
So we might not make the cut.
omg that would suck! *scoff* but like, whatever... i dont even care...


I'm going to do some homework and then eat... i guess. Because trying to convince myself that i'm not hungry is really not working..

Love yo faceeess
BAI <3

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I dont know what to write as a title for this

Hey! (for some reason the font is different... dont ask me why)

Last day of the short vacation and i'm waiting to get to eat dinner. Idk were my parents are, if they are going to make dinner or not, or if anyone is home. I'm just so tired and dont feel like leaving my room hahaha ssooooo lazy.

I actually have something that i do want to write about!
Omg like I have something of importance to convey to YOU!

I often hear that people like and appreciate french culture. The food, the music, the whatever it is we have shoved into our brains and then meshed into a french stereotypical heaven. I do like the french "culture" or whatever that is.

Something that i dont like too much is how conservative the french culture is.
I have heard a million times since i got here how important it is for the french to preserve the "french way of life". 

I mean just their language is evidence of how conservative they are! It has hardly changed at all in hundreds of years! French students can read french literature from the 16th century and actually understand what is says. I mean just reading literature from like 100 years ago in swedish can be difficult!

But language aside. 
The one conservative thing that bothers me the most is the difference between men and women.

This is something that i came across last time i was in France as well.
It was in Lille 2010 and i was having a sports lesson with my "host sister" at the time and her class. We were playing football and they automatically made it boys against boys and girls against girls. Its was just so obvious that girls couldn't play with the boys because the boys played for real.

I mean, in sweden it usually ends up like this anyway (at least before i started at KG were everyone is really ambitious even in sports) but at least we had a choice!
After 20 seconds of playing i wanted to play with the guys. The girls only fed the stereotype that "girls cant play football", playing consisted of 10 girls constantly running after the ball and screaming and flailing around the goal.... -.-

Maybe if these girls hadn't been fed this stereotype all their life or had been treated in the same way as the guys then they wouldn't be such GIRLS (just the fact that the word "girl" can mean an annoying, cowardly, pink, frilly excuse of a person is sad in itself).

When Elise was here we made peasoup and pancakes for dinner. I asked if i could drink milk with my dinner because that is what we do in Sweden (i am aware not everyone drinks milk with their dinner but I DO OK!?).
My host dad then stated that they dont do this in France ( i was aware....). He also said men and women had different relationships with milk. Milk was apparently something that women could drink but not men? No not men, the "drink of men" was WINE.
*cough* sorry what?
i wanted to ask him what world he was living in but
1. I dont know how to (stupid french..)
2. La politesse (to be polite)
This statement just felt so outdated and ridiculous!

For the BAT (a concert thing at school) me and some other swedish girls are performing with Baptiste and his friend Ellie. Karin (the principal and extra mom for all the students at SSP ^^) told us that she thought it was fun that Sofia is playing bass because girls dont generally play instruments in Paris.
I'm sorry WHAT?
All of a sudden i felt extremely stupid standing there with four other girls, singing, while Ellie played the piano and Baptiste played the drums.
I highly doubt girls dont play instruments in France. But i guess only guys get to showcase their talents, or are encouraged to.
This pisses me off the MOST!
As a girl who plays the guitar and piano and sings i just feel like being told that girls dont "really play instruments" here is down right degrading and derogatory. What kind of society is this!? I guess its a "guy" thing to play instruments. Girls are supposed to stand there, look pretty, and sing.

Thank god i was not raised in a world like that! I was raised by parents who encouraged me to take up just as much space as any man (i feel a swenglish warning here, translated this directly from swedish haha please excuse me if that is the case!). To not act like such a "girl" (no wonder i hardly ever wear dresses) and man up. That France is still raising their daughters to believe that they aren't as important as boys is quite frankly tragic.

If i was Adrian i would end this in some awesome kind of "in Sweden there is equality between men and women and thats so great" blablabla statistics stuff that makes me seem smart.
But i cant be bothered to look that up.
All i know is Swedish girls in general are pretty awesome when it comes to "acting like men", also known as being strong and powerful individuals.
So i'm real happy to be Swedish!

Its like eight a clock now. I'm hungry and i'm going to watch some Supernatural :)
Love yo faces
BAI <3

Saturday, November 5, 2011


I've had a week of from school now and my best friend Elise has been here :). She went back home to Sweden today so i've been kinda down.
First i had to wake up at like 5 to go to the bus with her. Then i went home, fell alseep and woke up at like one with my host mom knocking on my door wondering if i wanted to eat some lunch. I was sooo not hungry. I'm STILL not hungry. I've lived off of a banana and two pieces of chocolate today. Oh yeah, healthy as can be!

I thought i'd post a picture of my new hair! Yes Elise dyed and bleached and what-not-ed my hair on tuesday and i know i'm an awful person for not putting up a picture earlier.
Yupp, i can no longer blame my stupidity on being blonde!
Hopefully the blonde ends show! I'm going to make them bolder and dye more of the hair blonde during winter break i think :). Hair needs to rest now x).

So today i have seriously stayed in my room ALL DAY! What have i been doing?
I have been doing this :D

I'm so excited, i've been wanting to do a Justin Vernon portrait for like a year and i'm not exaggerating!
This started out as just pencil but i decided i really wanted to challenge myself and do watercolor over it so this is the result! I hope i didn't ruin it or anything :o, that would suck.

haha people who degrade their own work really piss me off so ima just gona say that i am so happy with this :D <3

Now i dont really know what to do...
So um yeah.
Have a nice weekend x)
Love yo faces
BAI <3

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

post 70

I dont have much to write, i'm going to go pick up Eliseeey-pooh from Porte Maillot in like 30min :).

My parents sent me two pictures of the pumpkins that they made this year. Because my family still has some kind of American love for Halloween we always decorate our house and we ALWAYS make Jack-o-lanters. My mom takes this stuff to a whole new level though. Instead of just making happy or sad faces with triangle eyes. She actually makes ART!

Dont believe me? Well here is what she made this year:

Yes my mom is awesome
Love yo faces
BAI <3

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Night in Saint-Germain de Prés

Sometimes here in Paris i get these out of body experiences. Just moments when you kind of see yourself from above and realise just how lucky you are to be a part of all of this.

Last night i had one of those when Moa and I visited Thea at this apartment in Saint-Germain de Prés which is like the second most wonderful place in paris (after Montmartre). She was borrowing it from her host mothers danish friend and we decided that instead of going out we would make some dinner and watch a movie. When we were there everything was just so perfect, it was like a movie moment of cozy awesomeness.

This apartment was the cutest thing ever! Imagine a doll-house - white walls, cute pink details, a lot of small ornaments and such. The kitchen was TINY! We could hardly fit two people at the same time around the stove. We sat on the rug in the bedroom eating our dinner and cheesecakes talking about grandparents, university, moving away from home, and ofc a bunch of stuped shit that isn't worth mentioning here :P.
Later we watched the virgin suicide, unfortunately not all the way through :(.

The internet is so slow that it has seriously taken me hours to upload these pictures!!!
Had some nice photos that Moa had taken but i'll have to post those later.
Oh and Elisey-pooh is coming tomorrow ;) <3

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

omg homework

You got homework? I DO TOO :D

So for tomorrow:
MEDEA - we are reading this play in swedish class and we are going to discuss it in class tomorrow, yes this will affect my grade. I have only read half of the play and dont really get why Medea is such a crazy bitch.

FFK - i have to have finished the summary of Paris during the middle ages, the Crypte under Notre-Dame and the Panthèon. Woop almost done!

CHEMISTRY - I have a really difficult test on friday and my teachers laid back attitude is starting to piss me off because GOD PLEASE MAKE THINGS SOUND SO EASY! When he talks about it its like "well YEAH i get it :D" --> *at home doing the work* = KILL ME NOW I DONT UNDERSTAND!??!
So yeah, im screwed. Going to study at Moas house tomorrow

1200 word essay on Medea, i have no clue what on earth i am writing yet... He hasn't told us what to focus on or whatever, like i said i havn't even read the entire play yet. SparkNotes is my friend!

Its crazy to think that i have gone from practically a straight A student to FAILING yes failing, not just getting a bad grade, two french tests and probably a physics test.

I've never failed a test before in my life...
I got a G on my math test here,
Thats like the fourth one in my entire life...

Does that give you an idea of what kind of stress living here can put on someone?
On top of all of this is juggling three languages all at the same time.
Swedish-English-French round and round and round. Sometimes i catch myself thinking in three languages at the time or mixing it all up when i speak. Its exhausting...

I thought i'd share some tips on surviving stressful times in school:
This is just the stuff that i try to follow and it helps me, so all you stressed out peeps you might want to read <3.

1. Failing and getting G:s is not the end of the world!!!!
2. Doing your best is all you can do and if that isn't "enough" then thats OK because it was your best
3. Stressing about stuff you cant affect in any way is not a good way of using your energy
4. If you have time to rest, use it well
5. Study 30 min, break for 10 = perfect
6. Prioritize and plan. This includes resting and watching the newest episode of Glee.
7. Do exercise, there is ALWAYS time to go our running or walking. It doesn't take as long as our lazy minds usually convince ourselves that is takes.
8. Dont feel sorry for yourself, a failed grade and 200 grams of chocolate later you have to focus again
9. Lastly, this is not forever. Just think about it as a distance that you have to run. It does end and even if its hard at some times, you will get through it, you will survive it because you are smart and strong and amazing.

Something that helps me get through all of my awful homework is focusing on a dream that i have, more precisely what i want to do after high school. Often i have to do good in school for these dreams to come true.
Dont take this and make it into a bad thing though ok?
Like, dont get devastated because you dont think you will be able to become a doctor.
The dream is a carrot
If you eventually dont get the carrot, will you die?
... NO
because there are a bunch of awesome veggies out there that probs taste just as awesome as that carrot.
do you get what i'm saying?
I hope so.
Because my ten minutes (*cough* twenty now *cough*) is up and i have to go back to studying :).

I love all yo faces very much
BAI <3

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Yes please can this be my hair? This is EXACTLY how i want it :D No clue how i'll pull off first dying my "roots" light brown and then the tips blonde but what the heck, its worth a shot :).

Alone in a room full of people

Today my mentor-group had a "meeting" at our favorite little café in Odéon. Its the cutest place ever and serves the best chocolate viennois in Paris (à mon avis...). Most mentor-groups dont really think of these meetings as something special but it really is! Its a chance for us to really talk about how we feel about being here! What's bothering us, what's stressing us out, what we find really amazing/fun/interesting. We can sit down, drink som hot chocolate, eat som gateau and just VENT!

Something that came up is "feeling alone despite being with other people in the same situation". Even though almost everyone is going through the same thing here, every experience and feeling here in Paris is very personal. At the end of the day its you and only you that is sitting alone in your room having waaay to much time to think about all of the troubles of being here. It can get very lonely.

Another thing we talked about was missing home, family, friends and swedish things in general. Almost nobody really misses home too much. We've been here for such a long time that this is our world now. Just trying to picture our old rooms is difficult! Paris is home and Paris is life. Picturing myself back in my room in Sweden is comforting but also unnerving. I dont like thinking of a life where i dont live in this city and i dont get to see all of these wonderful people every day...

Do you understand that there is a major need for venting here!?

Tomorrow we have a sportsday so everyone is going to go out to Saint-Germain en Laye and run around and be active. I'm surprisingly excited, i've had so much homework lately that i havn't had any time to go out running! There will be plenty of time for that during autumn break i guess.

Time for bed
Love yo face
BAI <3

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Only one more week...

French students in general get two weeks of vacation every autumn break, spring break and easter break. Oh them basterds.. So my host brother has been teasing me all day about the fact that i have school tomorrow and he doesn't. But i mean, i'm pretty sure our summer vacations are longer than his. Still pretty bitter about it right now though.

I had a very nice weekend! Baptiste wasn't home friday so i had dinner alone with my parents and i just have to add that i love them so so so much! I have the best frenchie parents ever! They are just so sweet and totally patient with my awful french. We sat and watched a show on tv about Normandy and Marc (my dad) went on and on about how wonderful it is there. He grew up in Normandy and misses it a lot.

Then we watched something about Vancouver and i told them that i maybe want to move to Canada and we talked about French-Canadians and that their accents always made Corinne laugh (my mom...duh).
I even went on a walk with Corinne this weekend. She was going to show me a jogging route so we walked the entire thing (its a route around a large WW2 fort) and just talked and had a nice time!

Nothing against my host brother but i almost like it more here when he's not home... That sounds kinda bad but its just really calm and relaxed when its just the parents at home! Its like an entirely different family when Baptiste is there.

Saturday, Victoria and I slept over at Noras :). We made microwave risotto for dinner (yes i know we are lazy but it was damn good risotto... And i'm scared of making proper risotto after too many Hells Kitchen episodes of people messing up risottos. True story). The main focus was on the kladdkaka (like brownies but BETTER! Much much better <3). It was so good to eat kladdkaka again! Almost felt like home! We then watched the movie Penelope, mostly for James McAvoy because he is gorgeous. After that we had the classic sleepover long, deep, diskussions about life and other not so important stuff over a huge bag of chips. I love my life some times ^^.

The morning after we had pancakes with coconut ice-cream and/or butter and sugar. All part of a nutritious breakfast!

I'll put up some pictures just so that this post isn't all words ^^.
I'll try and post something more of a pleasant read later. I feel like my latest post have been way to much of the "today i did this" kind and i know that i personally hate reading that kind of shit. So... sorry i guess <3.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Here are the pictures from last night!
The night started off at Vapiano with Vicky ;). My pasta was to die for!!!
New favorite restaurant? I think so
At the Gibus! Host brother to the left :)

The cutting of the hair :O

There are two kinds of people in this world. People who see poles and people who see stripper poles