Monday, December 26, 2011

Nytt utseende, nytt språk

*cough* hej

Nu vill jag att den som läser detta ska veta, vilken uppoffring jag gör som börjar skriva på svenska.
Personligen tycker jag att jag skriver otroligt mycket bättre på engelska. Texterna blir färggladare, roligare och bara allmänt bättre. På svenska - som du kanske märkt - skriver jag som om detta vore en viktig rapport. Men människor pallar inte läsa på engelska, för ni är sämst. Så nu blir det svenska... snyft.

Just nu skriker min pappa ifrån vardagsrummet och vill att jag ska springa in och stödja DIF när de spelar hockey.
1. Jag pallar inte
2. Matchen är INSPELAD, allt har redan hänt
3. Min pappa är bara liiiite lullig efter Annandagsmiddan hos min moster
4. Det står 4 - 1 till DIF, stöd? Känns inte som det behövs.

Imorgon ska jag på mellandagsrea med mor min :)
Annars är jag bara allmänt stressad över att inte ha tid att träffa folk,
och att jag inte har tid att spela Mass Effect
Rätt som det är sitter jag i Paris igen och så har jag inte ens sett hälften av alla min kompisar...
och så har jag inte hunnit någonstans i Mass Effect

Imorgon ska jag upp och plugga matte på förmiddagen också
så god natt
och god fortsättning

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Last weekend in Paris


So this weekend is my last weekend in Paris (not rly but everyone is going home next weekend)
How have i been spending it?
Actually, i've been spending it in three different ways.
Partying, Singing and Studying (*cough* procrastinating and tumblring and blogging).

The BAT was this friday, or in french Bourse aux Talents (i think).
I hadn't really understood how much of a big deal this actually was until i got there. I had been there earlier that day and rehearsed so i'd gotten to see the stage decorations and all the people running around in the back with black "STAFF BAT 2011" T-shirts. The main guy in charge behind the stage was super stressed out and kinda scared me, lets just say he was not a happy camper...

After rehearsal i went home, got ready and came back at around six. I get to the theatre and see an ocean of St Do students pressing up against the wall of glass doors. I walk up to the doors and see Ellie inside, hesitantly i walk past the crazy crowd and go inside. We got these stamps on our hands to show that we were performers and we went back stage to our changing rooms.
It was kinda chaotic back there but it felt super legit, IT WAS SO MUCH FUN.

We weren't up until after the break so we got to sit in the audience the entire first half.
Something that really annoyed the crap out of me was that if the people on stage weren't considered popular, then the audience wouldn't give a fuck. These two girls were playing and seriously half of the crowd was talking or laughing or just being plain rude the entire song!
I was super afraid that people would act the same way for us but i soon realized the whole "if they are popular we listen" thing. So thankfully Ellie was playing with us....

If i'm gonna talk about every number it will take forever so
After the break we waited in the changing rooms, sang a little (but not enough), then we waited behind the stage. At this point i was really pumped and Elvira and i stood behind the stage and lip synced to the Adele song that was playing before us.
When it was time to get on stage (the curtain is now closed) i was so jumpy and hyper. Sure i was nervous but the feeling of extreme excitement was stronger!
We were singing Love Song by the way.
It went SO WELL. We nailed the harmonies, we all nailed our parts, it was just epic!
Later on we went to this bar called Truskel and stayed there for a while. They played amazing music and it was such a cool place. Def going back!
The only thing remotely uncool about that night was the fact then when i came home at like 5 in the morning my host family had locked our door with the chain so i couldn't get in even with my key. 
So that sucked
I walked all the way back to Klaras house and banged on her door. Poor Klara and Moa, i scared the shit out of them! I would have shit myself if i was them.
this brings us to:

Moas phone wakes us up around 10:20 and i fly up out of my bed. Clearly disoriented, clearly hung over. I'm still wearing the dress i wore for the concert and all my makeup is now all over my face. I get up and try wash my face a little. I wake up the girls because i was kinda in a hurry. I had an hour to get ready before i had to leave with the choir. We had a Lucia concert at IKEA x).
For breakfast (i'm quite proud of this) we had french toast. Though we didn't have any proper bread so we used baguette. Now dont judge to soon!!! It was super super good! Klaras family babysitter thought it was yummy as well and he hadn't even heard of french toast before!

I then leave for IKEA, ofc i arrive late! We then head off in our own little bus to IKEA.
Nothing special really, we sang, we cried tears of joy over the swedish meatballs, we ate our bodyweight in gingerbread cookies. It was nice :). As a thank you we got a 20€ giftcard each. I just bought a bunch of random shit. Like a neckpillow, one of those you have on planes and train rides. Totally useless i know but omg i've wanted one since forever for some reason!
I also bought a mug bcus here they drink tea out of bowls...
My room now smells like roses from my scented IKEA candle
For my family i bought a christmas flower and a pot for it.
I also bought glögg that i was going to drink today but seeing as i've done nothing of what i was supposed to do today (including bake) i dont have a reason to drink it :'((((.

I've done fucking nothing, i've tried to study a little but i just cant! I have no motivation i'm so extremely sick of school, everything is crazy difficult and i just want to die in a hole

Good bye
Love yo face <3

Monday, December 5, 2011

La liste

Got this idea from my friend Victorias blog, i hope she's ok with me "stealing" it :P

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
10 years ago i was 6 years old and living in California :) and living like the world revolved around me

2. What were you doing 1 year go
At this time a year ago i was probably obsessing about Lucia prep, yay for choir nerdyness
Lucia in Globen last year
3. Five snacks that you like
1. Smoothies!
2. Choklad Havreflarn
3. Fruit in general?
5. Lussebullar (tis the season)

4. Five songs you know all the lyrics to
1. The Killers - Mr. Brightside
2. The Killers - When you were young
3. Panic at the Disco - I write sins not tragedies
4. Death cab for cutie - I will follow you into the dark
5. Mumford & Sons - White blank page

5. Five things you would do if you were a billionaire
1. I know i'm boring but i would probably give a buttload of it to charity
2. I would have the financial support to have the guts to live off of my art and music
3. I would have an AMAZING two storie appartement in Paris, from which i can see either the Eiffel Tower or Sacre Coeur.
4. I would travel the world and hopefully never ever ever stop.
5. Oh god the shoes and clothes and wonderfulness that i would buy :D

6. Five bad habits (i dont even know if these are legit habits but whatever)
1. I tend to underestimate myself and my abilities
2. Becoming socially awkward in way to many situations
3. Procrastination
4. I live in the future not in the now and i long for the past
5. I lose everything, EVERYTHING

7. Five things you love doing
1. Traveling, includes experiencing new cultures, talking to new people and seeing wonderful places
2. Playing music, singing
3. Painting, anything and everyone
4. Dancing
5. Talking, hanging out and just appreciating my wonderful friends that i dont deserve

8. Five things you would never wear/buy
1. Uggs with a jeans skirt, you dont look hot - you look like a weather confused slut.
2. Sandals with socks, please kill me if i in the future wear this
3. One of these , if you are not Lykke Li, then NO
4. A band t-shirt of a band that i actually dont listen to
5. Jeggings

So thats that... I'm not gona study today am I?
Didn't think so...

My body hates me

Today i was going to have a 2 hour math lesson and then after that i was going to have a 4 hour lunch. But the waking up feeling like i was dying kind of came in the way of that.
So this morning i wake up, nauseated and dizzy. It takes me about 30 min just to get out of bed and into the bathroom. I realize quite quickly that getting up wasn't the smartest thing, i nearly fainted.
My body must seriously hate me. I have a math test on wednesday and i really could have used those 5 hours of studying. Instead i've been laying in bed trying not to throw up, watching a movie while i chewed peppermint gum (i read somewhere that peppermint is supposed to be good when you feel nauseous) and drinking buckets of water.

I feel a little bit better now, except for the fact that my stomach seems to be rudely rejecting that banana i just ate.
I can't wait til christmas, so sick of school and work and GOD I'M SO SICK OF MATH. When i leave in June i will cry tears of joy because i'll never have to have another class with that joke of a teacher.
It's quite hilarious actually that people have found small notes in their math books saying things like:
"I hope you dont get Alla, if so, be prepared to study ur ass off. If you do that you'll make it, otherwise well... Good Luck"
- Warning from a former SSP students.
Well thats comforting.

Now i'm going to change and hopefully get some studying done

Love yo faces
BAI <3